Africa 2030 SDGs Three-Year Reality Check Report

Following the adoption of the SDGs in September 2015, Africa has made many commitments towards achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) Agenda 2030 and the Africa Union Agenda 2063. At the adoption of the SDGs, Africa’s starting point was lower than all the other regions. Emerging evidence over the last three years (2015 – 2018) of tracking SDGs progress on an annual basis indicates complex challenges still prevail in Africa. Many intricacies, ambiguities and questions continue to predominate and stand in the pathway forwards towards Africa’s achievement of these Goals.

The three-year reality report underlines four key messages: 1) The data constraint – only 40% of SDGs indicators have data which constrains evidence based planning 2) The stagnating progress and in some instances being outstripped by population growth 3) the overhang of the SDG framework at high level but lacks implementation frameworks at lower levels 4) financing gap for SDGs which is as large as Africa currently collects in total financial inflows (domestic revenue and external flows).

Additionally – the report explores forecasts in 6 goals which show that the struggle prevails. We also explore case study of synergies – to understand linkages.  Revelation is that energy efficiency matters for other goals. More information can be found in the report attached.